I’m going to be honest here - I am not (as) excited for fall this year.
TLDR – I’m making myself seasonal bucket lists to help myself feel happier with the changing of all the seasons. Scroll to the bottom to get the download.
Normally I’m a little sad about summer being over, but for the most part, I’m excited the seasons are changing and I can officially say ‘it’s fall y’all.’ JK – I don’t actually say that BUT I am usually much more excited.
I mean there are really great things that happen in the fall – it’s almost my birthday (spooky baby here), the leaves change color and the Wisconsin scenery is gorg, there are so many fun fall foods, new fun + flirty activities for me to do, football is back (can I get a hellll yeah for Badger Saturdays?!) and it’s officially harvest on the farm (you can catch all the harvest content on our YouTube) which always makes me excited because we are literally harvesting all of the hard work they’ve done on the farm for the year. Considering all of these fun things I have going on you’d think I’d be much happier but I’m simply not.

I’ve come to the realization that I’m not that excited about fall because I know that after fall comes winter and with winter comes lots of time inside, no vitamin d or sunlight (thanks Wisconsin winter) aka a time of great SADness.
Okay after this long intro here’s the meat of what I’m trying to say. After I recognized why I’m not as happy about fall, I decided I needed to do something about it. And that something is creating a bucket list of fun things I want to do this season so that I 1) have fun things to look forward to, 2) have a list of things to do if I ever find myself feeling bored or sad and 3) use this as a way to focus on the good and live in the season instead of just thinking about what’s to come.
So – here it is, here’s my fall bucket list. I’m going to do a separate post that details all of the things I added to my list, but for now you can check out the list. In the instance that you feel the same, I also created a blank version of the bucket list that you can download and make into your own (click the button below). Also – to take it even further, I created an IG story + highlight version of this, which you can screenshot and add to your own story with your bucket list AND you can check out my highlight to see me cross the activities off my bucket list. Basically, lots going on to help have fun, lol.
Happy fall y’all (had to say it) – can’t wait to see you do all these fun + flirty activities. Be sure to tag me on IG if you use this for inspo!!!