2023 – The Year I Get My Sh*t Together

Now I’ll admit, I always love change and fresh starts, but I’m not really a new year, new me type of person, and that’s not what this really is. Last year for the New Year (okay maybe if I do this every year I am that type of person) I wrote out my goals for the year as manifestations or by saying this is what I do, not what I want to do. For example, instead of saying “go to yoga or stretch regularly,” I wrote “I honor my body by practicing yoga or stretching regularly.” See the difference?

When I reflect on 2022 and the things I said I do – I truly have accomplished quite a few of them. I started my own social media marketing business, selling beef directly from the farm, spending more time on said farm, etc. But, I feel like I’ve just been going through the motions and not really doing all the things as good as I could be. Hence, it’s time to get my sh*t together. Below is a list of what I plan on doing this upcoming year with a little bit of details if you want to use them for inspiration. I’m sure this list will ebb and flow throughout the year, but here’s what I’m working with:

goal setting - putting the woo in the work

Goal Setting

Now you might be thinking, “Emily, isn’t this post about setting your goals?” and here’s the thing. I’m someone who likes a little woo and a little work, and this post is my halfway point between both to share with the world (or whoever decides to read this I guess, haha). But, I’m going to spend some time on vision and strategy planning during the first bit of the year. I’m going to dream big dreams, write down some scary goals and figure out how to make them happen.

Project Plan

Remember the woo and the work (literally from right above)? This is the work. I love a good project plan. I like seeing all the steps wrote out, knowing what I need to get done and by when. I’m not going to share the nitty gritty details of my project plans, but I can share my project plan template at some point if people want to see it. I should also note that I’m not making a project plan for everything that’s on the rest of this list (that would be a touch overboard), but some stuff in my life desperately needs me to make one.

project planning with your farmer friend
one of my goals in 2023 is to up my social media game.. including working with more brands. Kwik Trip anyone??

Up My Social Media

My goal last year was to grow my social media reach to share my messages of food, friendship and farming. While my social presence has grown this past year, I could do a lot better. I legit have a career creating social media strategy and content plans for others, but when it comes to my own? Jesus take the wheel. This year, I’m going to treat my own social like I do my clients – and honestly I have a lot of fun doing it too.

Grow my Businesses

I initially titled this section “treat my businesses like actual businesses,” but I realize that might not make a lot of sense. There seems to be a theme in my life where I’m really good at working on stuff for other people, but not the best on my own. This year that changes. My businesses and their success is worth my time and energy and the only way they’re going to grow is if I dedicate myself to them like I do to others.

It's time to grow my businesses, including Prairie Raised Beef, locally raised beef from your farmer friends located in Sauk Prairie, WIsconsin

Love My Home

Prior to this past year I’ve always lived with roommates. Now it’s just Avery and I and I have no excuses to not do what I want with our house to turn it into a home. I have so many house project ideas (and Pinterest boards) and it’s time to actually do them. We WILL finish our guest bedroom, my office space, move my workout stuff, organize the kitchen, finish our dining room.. I’m sure there will be a lot more I’ll add to the honey do list 😉

Figure out My Finances

Finances are hard and scary to talk about. It literally makes my stomach hurt sometimes and it shouldn’t. This year I’m going to make sure I’m set up for financial success with savings, investments and all the things. I feel like this is something I should have figured out a long time ago, but time is of the essence and it will happen this year.

time to learn more - including maybe how to run more farm equipment!

Learn More

I love learning. If I could make a career just out of learning new things and then talking about all the new things I learned, I could. To continue to grow my mind and give my brain new nuggets of information I’m going to read more book (probably some woo here) and take some digital courses on things that interest me. I know I’m happiest when I’m learning new things and challenging the way I think, so I need to add more of that to my life.

And the list will go on and on as I figure out all the ways I can get my sh*t together. I’ll be sharing this journey on TikTok mainly, so be sure to follow me there! I’ll also make separate blog posts with updates for each of the things I’m doing with how I’m actually doing them and any advice I have when it comes to it. My friend and I joked that since we turned 25 this year we were going to have a quarter life crisis. And while I wasn’t really in crisis, I’m excited to get my ish together. 

What’s your vibe for the new year? Keep on trucking on doing the same, or change it up a bit?

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