What do you think of when you think of farmers?
This is a genuine question I have for consumers.
Story time: I recently shared a TikTok talking about the cheese caves (I can share my thoughts on this in another post). In the video, I talked about the Farm Bill and disputed some claims about farmers being subsidized (again, a very nuanced conversation that will have to happen somewhere else). And I got a comment from a very *angry* man going on and on about what I was saying in the video.
And then it came. The comment. “Farmers are stupid. They don’t even know basic economics.”

What happened
When I first saw this comment, boy was I HEATED. I was so mad that he claimed that! All I could think of was how ignorant. While also shooting flames out of my ears I was so mad. I was getting ready to film an angry rebuttal about how wrong he was, but then I took a moment to think.
I know that getting mad isn’t the answer. And ultimately, it’s not going to solve anything. And this guy wasn’t looking for answers from me either. He just wanted to share his opinions and be rude, and not listen to what I had to say.
So, I had another idea. Because here’s the thing. Not everyone has as intimate of a relationship with agriculture as I do. Not everyone has been fortunate enough to learn about agriculture and gain first-hand knowledge of what it truly takes to be a farmer. So I made a new plan of response for him.
Except, when I went to go record it – he had deleted all of his comments. I think he knew he had said something wrong.

I’m So Sick of People Thinking Farmers Aren’t Smart
Just because I don’t get the satisfaction of saying what I wanted to this guy, I’m still going to share my thoughts. Here’s what I wanted to say.
My genuine question is – what do you think of when you think of farmers? Because my perspective as someone involved in agriculture is completely different than someone who has no connection what so ever.
But here’s the thing – I was a consumer first.
I didn’t grow up in agriculture. I wasn’t a farm kid. I didn’t spend my entire childhood on the farm. But I’m here now. Because of the experiences I had growing up on my grandparents dairy farm, being involved in 4-H and FFA, attending college and just learning from farmers, I gained a better understanding, trust and belief in our farmers.
Now, I’m their biggest cheerleader.
What I Think of When I Think of Farmers
When I think of farmers, I think about all the different hats they have to wear to keep their farms and ranches afloat.
Going back to the original comment, where the guy stated that farmers don’t even have a basic understanding of economics, I want him to know that farms and ranches wouldn’t exist if the farmer or rancher didn’t have that basic understanding. But, farmers are so much more.
Farmers are:
- Conservationists taking care of the soil and land to better it for the next generation.
- Agronomists who have a deep understanding of what it takes to grow a healthy crop.
- Animal experts who can heal animals when they’re sick or injured, reduce risk of disease and make sure they continue to stay healthy and happy.
- IT wizards who are able to fix any code their systems throw when working in equipment.
- Mechanics who have to fix every piece of equipment when it breaks down.
- Accountants that make sure every check and balance is there.
- Economists who understand the global market and how it affects the commodities they produce.
- Teachers that are passing their knowledge down to the next generation.
And so much more.

I am so fortunate that I have had the opportunity to learn about farming and agriculture first-hand. Because of this, I know that farmers are so much more.
My hope is that by sharing my story and sharing the story of agriculture that I can allow people to get just a small glimpse of just how knowledgeable farmers truly are.
As always, I’m your farmer friend here to share with you about agriculture.
Ask questions. Stay curious.